Sunday 10 March 2019

Sunday missed

A leisurely family supper last night was followed by an equally leisurely family breakfast. I think we all enjoyed it so much that we're contemplating arranging another hotel weekend together for a repeat gathering. When Rachel and Jasmine next come over maybe? 

We parted company just after eleven, Owain returning with Kath, Anto and Rhiannon to Bristol and showing them his new flat, and us heading back to Cardiff. High winds disrupted traffic using the main Severn crossing, the old bridge was closed. This meant lane closures and traffic queuing on the M69 to get on to the M4 westbound,adding twenty minutes to our journey. Although I had been very comfortable driving on Friday afternoon, I couldn't get comfortable at all during this journey, so we stopped at Magor services so that Clare could drive, as my distress was impairing my concentration. It's impossible to why this set back occurred, except that I was still feeling tired and stiff from sitting around so much yesterday, bouts of exercise notwithstanding.

The demise of advertised eight o'clock Communion services at churches within reach of the hotel and the long family breakfast meant having to miss the Sunday Eucharist altogether. I wasn't happy about this but simply had to accept it, and be sure to add the Liturgy of the Word for Lent One into my saying of the Daily Office. I was disappointed not to be able to worship as a visitor in a church I haven't been to before. This doesn't happen very often, and it's an opportunity to learn something new about congregational life in changing times.

After a quick lunch when we arrived home, Clare was collected and taken to Bristol for her monthly study session. I went to bed and watched last night's double episode of Icelandic crimmie 'Trapped' on my Chromebook. There wasn't much either of us fancied watching in the evening, apart from an episode of 'Allo! Allo!', which always makes us laugh out loud, tiredness notwithstanding. Then early bed, desperate for more sleep. 

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