Monday 3 June 2019

Faulty windows - with a small 'w' for once

This morning I had to take the car to N.G. Motors in Splott to get the front passenger side window fixed. On Saturday, on the way to Penarth after the funeral, I opened it and found the electric winder had stopped working, leaving the window open a couple of inches. Nothing we tried could persuade it to shut. Annoying, as we've had rain twice since then, and needed to drape a protective bin bag over the seat to prevent it getting wet. The same thing happened with the driver's side window about six months ago. Coincidence or a design fault? Getting it fixed is urgent, arranging a slot for this at short notice isn't easy. As we don't use the car that much, and have nothing planned for this week that calls for car use, it's fine to drive it there and leave it with them to fix when they find they have time.

I walked the mile and a half back to Canton Bridge stop and caught a bus the rest of the way. It gave me an hour and a half free before being collected to go to the Vale Crem, where we were on Saturday to take today's funeral. There was a congregation of thirty, about average for a nonogenarian with just a couple of offspring and their families.

Two grand daughters and spouses were the chief mourners, arriving from Bristol. Unfortunately, they mistook the place of rendezvous with the funeral cortege. Instead Pidgeon's Funeral Home in Canton, they drove to the Care Home in Barry where Gran lived for a few years until her death. They weren't too far away from the crem, perhaps ten minutes or so, when this was conveyed to them. They arrived three minutes after the appointed hour instead of ten minutes before. As the tributes were fairly lengthy, the service was bound to be a tight fit for the slot assigned. We finished just three minutes late, and the congregation left and dispersing without delaying the next 'late' arrival.

I was home by two. Clare was out, so I cooked lunch, and had a siesta, then went for a walk before supper, and watched telly before turning in early, tired after a busy day.

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