Sunday 9 June 2019

Pentecost fruit

Up bright and early, getting on with video processing and uploading to Google Drive. I don't know why, but several uploads failed, and they weren't big files. The network connection went down, and I had to restart the router and everything attached to it to restore functionality. The same happened last night, while we were watching Montalbano on iPlayer. The Talk Talk Freeview box,called YouView just crashed. It's the second time recently. Diagnosing this lost us time and was in part the reason why we went to bed quite so late. Is it a random hardware glitch, or a mini dropout on the part of the server, or a power spike, I wonder? Not sure I know how to diagnose this. One more time and I'll get TalkTalk on the case, as it could be the router needs replacement. 

Anyway, the uploading job was done by quarter to ten, and I was able to go off to St Catherine's to celebrate the Pentecost Parish Eucharist without unfinished business. There were forty five adults and fifteen children in church. The atmosphere was rather subdued and unenthusiastic for such a great feast, despite giving it my best efforts. I was quite tired by the time we got home afterwards and siesta'd for over two hours before going for a walk around Pontcanna Fields. A couple of late nights and early starts really has an impact on how I feel and wound comfort, strange to say. We are indeed 'fearfully and wonderfully made'.

Disappointingly, Clare picked only a handful of black currants from our garden bush, which as new and a bit more fruitful last year. We get loads of bees pollinating so why this has happened is not at all obvious. Maybe it lost flowers when vulnerable to cold and wind? Maybe it was lack of nutrients in the soil? Who knows? She cooked the new with an apple to make a mini pie filling or a pudding on its own. Will Kath's blackcurrent bush in Kenilworth will be fruitful enough to make a few pots of jam from this year as previously, I wonder? None of them up there like blackcurrant jam, but fruit from the bush Kath turns into excellent jam, and keeps as a special gift for Dad. What a kind and lovely daughter!

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