Sunday 22 January 2023

Counting down to next locum duty

A wonderful rose hued sunrise this chilly  morning, then the sky clouded over for the rest of the day. I drove to St Edward's to celebrate the Eucharist with a congregation of forty adults and children. There were a few singers missing but the choir still sang well. I was impressed that they chanted a long gradual psalm and stayed in pitch perfectly throughout, with only a light touch chord on the piano at the end of each verse to check. Impressive! There wasn't a coffe time after as a prize draw was taking place instead, so I was home half an earlier than usual.

After lunch, I spent an hour on advance preparation for my first week's assignment in Fuengirola. Then I went for a walk around the Fields, and took photos of the snowdrops and setting sun.

After supper I watched two more episodes of Dark Rivers. A well constructed plot about organised crime and the drug trade in Passau, a German city on the Danube, bordering Austria, complete with Bavarian dialect, German and Austrian accents. Complex but not obscure, easy to follow. A traditional religious thread runs through the series story. Unusual these days, though not surprising as it was made in Bavaria.

With my last service done, I can now start packing as I can fold up my alb to put in the bottom of my case. The countdown to my flight on Thursday has begun.

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