Saturday, 25 February 2023

Storm impact

A bright sunny day but just that bit colder with a chilly breeze. After breakfast I made the video slide show for next Thursday's Morning Prayer and uploaded it to YouTube. Then I worked on a homily for next Wednesday's Eucharist to go with the Bible Study texts. Another morning of productive work. 

Then I printed off Sunday's sermon and a copy of the Eucharistic Preface for Lent to carry with me in a larger print altar booklet. I should have done this last week, but forgot. I find it quite difficult adjusting to weekly service text leaflets rather than having a proper Common Worship book to use. The print size may be OK for use hand held reading in the pew, but not hands free at the altar. 

I don't like using pre set service leaflets as the selection someone else has made from available alternatives may not be the same as mine, and not so useful in teaching based on the liturgy. I have to make the best use I can of them and keep an eye out to ensure that I have the extras which aren't in the leaflets provided.

I cooked a veggie mix that'll do for today and tomorrow, but will add in some chorizo for tomorrow, for variety and a portion of meat for Sunday. Then, I went to Fuengirola town centre by train and walked from there to the far west of town, to Castillo Sohail and the Rio Fuengirola riverside park. At that end of the bay the beach is narrower and the impact of stormy seas evident. 

One chirunguito has lost its flight of metal steps down to the sand, but another had lost its entire external concrete terrace, which had collapsed, undermined by pounding waves. It's just a hint of what's to come with sea level rise and more violent weather I regret.

I retraced my steps to the station, took the train back to Los Boliches and got back to the house at seven, just before sunset. The days are getting noticeably longer now. 

After supper and a chat with Clare, I read for an hour before packing for tomorrow and getting myself to bed in good time.

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