Saturday 8 April 2023


After breakfast, I went to Los Boliches station to meet Kath, Anto and Rhiannon from the train at twenty to ten. Their flight into Malaga left Birmingham about half past five, which meant getting up at three in the morning, although Rhiannon had been out clubbing beforehand and didn't go to bed at all. Amazing what you can get away with when you're nineteen! We walked back up to Casa de la Esperanza, where Clare had the front door open, greeting us by playing the piano!

After settling in, we went down to the sea and had lunch at Dominique's a sea front restaurant well spoken of, which certainly lived up to its reputation. Then a walk down the Paseo Maritime and back along the avenida de Los Boliches, while Kath and Anto revived their memories of their last stay with us here nine years ago. We waited for Owain's train to arrive over coffee and cake in the Granier pasteleria near the market, and then had a joyous reunion on the platform before waking up the hill back to the house.

I think our children were the first to use the urbanizacion swimming pool since its refurbishment and leak repair was concluded earlier in the week. The Clare and I cooked a pasta meal for supper and much wine and conversation followed our first family meal since Christmas. What a lovely day. Everyone will sleep well tonight.

Apart from Ibiza in 2020, for the first time in years, no Easter Vigil for me this evening. St Andrew's doesn't do one, and if the local Parish Church does, it's not well publicised. I wouldn't want to make the effort to leave the family behind. I'm happy to settle for the fact that it's happening elsewhere.

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