Sunday 16 April 2023

Easter returns

Another chilly cloudy day with a leisurely start, happy to be driving through town in light traffic to reach St German's to celebrate the Eucharist at eleven. I've looked forward to this for a long time, being reunited with the congregation and singing the Solemn Mass again with a full team of six servers, three of them children. I've spent more time at St G's since retirement than I've spent on locum duty in Europe and missed being there. There were forty of us altogether, including a new family living in the neighbourhood. 

Eye surgeon Andrew, recently returned from his work in Malawi was there on his first Sunday back in Cardiff after his three month stint at the new eye surgery centre in Mulanje Mission hospital in the south of the country. The devastating storms that hit Southern Africa last month hit Malawi on a weekend when he and Sally were away for the weekend and for several days the roads were impassable. A big tree fell near the eye clinic, but didn't cause any damage, so it wasn't long before clinical work could continue. Angela gave me copies of end of stay reports from the two of them. Sally is an Occupational Therapist and developing an innovative partnership with Andrew to teach trained physiotherapists diagnostic skills in relation to eye ailments. It will increase clinic capacity and improve workflow in high demand times. It's a wonderful project.

I was back home for lunch at one. While Clare was having a siesta after, I recorded and edited next week's Morning Prayer audio, and dozed off while doing so. A quick nap revived me, then we went for a walk around Pontcanna Fields before supper. The evening was devoted to watching more episodes of the Danish crimmie 'Those who kill', currently being aired on BBC 4 Saturday nights.


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