Sunday 9 April 2023

Easter finale

Not sure how much I slept, but I got up at seven fifteen while everyone else slumbered, and was on my way to Calahonda at a quarter to nine. There were seventeen of us for the Eucharist there, the same Easter Day number as last year, all locals and regulars, no visitors. One of the regulars was saying her farewells after nine years living in Spain, compelled by domestic circumstances to return to the UK. I imagine this  kind of story has contributed to the decline of chaplaincy congregations in recent years. 

In Los Boliches there were forty two of us, two more than last year, with at least three missing due to illness. Clare and Owain came, adding to the numbers, so in effect this congregation was also the same as last year. It seems that some didn't attend due to road closures in the area for the Cristo resuccitado procession after Mass at the parish church. Another grass roots religious event I have missed out on this time around. In fact, I witnessed none of them, due to my body and perhaps my state of mind, and the ease of being able to watch things on telly, although it's a pale substitute. If I wanted to witness events live again, I think I would need to be here and not be on locum duty. 

At the end of the Eucharist, I was unable to escape having 'Happy Birthday', before saying the inevitable goodbyes. The congregation dispersed quickly afterwards since nobody was available today to offer refreshments afterwards. Some people said kindly 'I hope we'll see you here again'. I think it's unlikely I will have reason to return for another spell of duty. I may have overreached myself doing eleven weeks this time, and over the last few weeks tiredness has built up, but then, I haven't taken a break do do anything different in my spare time, not least because ankle trouble has been a disincentive. The long period of solitude has been challenging, on times difficult. I've worked well, and think I have given of my best, although I'm less confident of this, as I've had very feedback. I have sought to teach as I was taught, but has anyone learned anything, from me or despite me that has made a difference to their lives? That's a question for which I have no answer.

Clare and I met briefly afterwards with the rest of the family and then we headed back to the house, via a shopping trip to Aldi's, to get on with preparing lunch. Not that I did much. The two services left me quite drained and not fit to do much. We had a splendid lunch with pan fried tuna cooked by Kath, plus veggies and the usual complement of wine. On their expedition to shops open in Los Boliches barrio Rhiannon bought a table tennis set. When lunch was over, everyone except me went around the corner of the street to play table tennis on the outdoor table provided there. I just fell asleep. The next thing I knew was when they all went to the pool the other side of the garden fence from the house, to enjoy the afternoon sun and have a swim. I'm happy to miss out on this as well, and recuperate expended energy instead.

We walked down to the sea front for a drink as the sun was going down. Clare and I didn't stay long. The others went looking interesting places to eat and drink in Los Boliches. My stomach threatened trouble, probably due to inadvertently eating small amounts of milk products during the day, and I was feeling nauseous. A dose of Swedish Bitters dealt with the problem quickly, and I was able to eat a light supper without problems. I did a first draft of my locum duty report before turning in for the night.

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