Wednesday 12 April 2023

Farewells and final tasks

Awake at twenty to seven when I heard the bathroom fan start up, as Owain started getting ready to leave. I got up and made him coffee and toast, then at seven fifteen drove him to Los Boliches Station. As we drove out the sun, was just below the horizon and the sky a lovely reddish orange colour. On the way back I took photos of the horizon featuring the famous Osborne Bull, but the result was disappointing. I should have gone back for a proper camera. Well, maybe tomorrow.

Owain just caught the 07.21 to the airport, the train before he planned to take. He said it was packed with early morning commuters. By the time the others got up for a brunch of sorts, he messaged to say that he was in the airport departure area, with an hour to wait. I guess we're all rather prone to arrive earlier than we need, even with just hand luggage, when travelling from an unfamiliar airport in holiday season times.

Guest bed sheets were piled into the washing machine as soon as everyone was up, and out on the line to dry. Then the others went to the pool for a swim in the bright morning sun. The swimming towels are the next batch to go into the washing machine. Kath kindly swept through the ground floor, to give us a head start for our clean-up later on. I drove the three of them to the station for a train at two. Owain had already landed in Bristol by then, and reporting how cold and wet it was. Such a sharp contrast from here at the moment. Kath's flight was delayed so it was mid-evening before they reached a chilly Kenilworth.

As well as doing the washing, the house has to be cleaned through, and food organised for storage until the next locum arrives. At six we drove down to La Cala de Mijas, taking with us all the fresh veggies and other opened food stuffs they could make use of plus a chunk of my birthday cake to share. I also gave them their Easter Communion, as both were poorly on Sunday and unable to attend church. It was good to spend time with them again, given all we did together nine years ago. We were glad to spend our last evening with them.

When we returned, we had our bags to pack and floors to clean. Then we went to bed early to be sure of getting an early start in the morning, with a ten twenty departure in mind.

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