Sunday 9 August 2020

Cathedral reunion

A cool overcast start to the day. It didn't warm up until the cloud broke up in the afternoon. Before we left for the Parish Eucharist at St Catherine's, I started setting up a Pay Pal account for myself, and was much annoyed and frustrated by the refusal of HSBC to let me add my Visa debit account card details to Pay Pal, with no reason given. A web search revealed others have had the same problem, but nothing to indicate how this is resolved. It means I will have to go into the bank in the morning and ask how it can be achieved. It's something I don't need as we're due to drive to Oxwich tomorrow morning.

We were two dozen at the Eucharist, with Mthr Frances. She'd just come from celebrating a Facebook broadcast Eucharist at St John's, nice and simple, using the Lady Chapel. 

After lunch we walked to Llandaff Cathedral where we met Fr Mark. It's the first time we've seen him in six months, so it was good to catch up with him, and learn that all is well with him and his family. It has been a busy time for time with the Dean off sick since April. The Cathedral offered on-line Eucharists in the lock-down months, and has decided to continue, realising that there's a big audience of housebound people out there that they are able to reach better than ever, via the internet. 

Attendance numbers after the first week have been steady, about twice ours in Canton, after near to safe capacity attendances the first week back in church. It's a fraction of the old regular congregations. It's a common experience that many people are still nervous about resuming church attendance. And, there's the summer holiday travel factor to take into account as well.

Before supper I went to Thompson's Park with my Alpha 68 and took some photos. Later, I created a new Google Photos account, having realised that I'm running out of free storage space with existing accounts. Quite apart from the photos taken today, I remembered that I'd not uploaded my Oxwich photos from last October's half term visit, nearly three hundred of them. That was probably when I started thinking about starting a new archive account. It's taken me that long to do anything about it.


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