Wednesday 5 August 2020

Sound fixed

There were ten of us for the midweek Eucharist at St Catherine's this morning, all spread out in the nave of the church rather than up in the chancel - the inevitable 'new normal'. It was overcast but warm enough for us to sit outside in the grounds after the service, chat and drink a coffee together. Hilary was there, selling this week's harvested fruit and veg from the church garden, including the first half a dozen ripe figs. I bought them, along with a pound of Victoria plums just picked. You can't get any fresher than straight off the tree!

Ann joined us after the service. It's the first time we've met since returning. We kept in touch via email when I was away. She told me that she belongs to a U3A group which sometimes talks about IT - she used to teach this in school. Thanks to the enthusiasm of one group member, the challenge of installing Linux is being discussed. It seems I'm not the only person disaffected with Windows 10's intrusive behaviour.

As I left for home and lunch, there was rain in the air and by mid afternoon there was intermittent drizzle which persisted for the rest of the day. I didn't go out to complete my walk until after the Archers, since I missed my GP's phone call at church - ironic when I was only just across the road from the surgery, where you can no longer just drop in, as access is now carefully controlled, for good reason. I waited in for the return call all afternoon, but none came. As it was wet, I wasn't eager to go out anyway. 

The symptoms I've experienced in recent days are slowly becoming less intense, and I'm enjoying spells of much needed deep relaxation. I hope that when I do next measure my blood pressure it will have dropped closer to normal. I recognise that chronic stress is a contributory factor, and reckon that I'm still 'decompressing' at a deep physical level, not just those muscles in my right gluteous maximus which have been worked on by Ruth during our expeditions to Bristol. I just have to be patient with myself and not push myself quite so hard.

I was pleased to have an acknowledgement from Wesley Media this morning, with a promise to remedy the problem. Later in the day, there was a second email to say it had been done. I needn't have stayed up late last night and edited the sound file as I did, but at least it proved that the fault could be remedied by someone a lot more professional than me.

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