Thursday 26 November 2020

Usefully occupied

I ended up going to bed late last night and sleeping late this morning, but I was out and about in time to go to the Eucharist at St John's. There were nine of us. I cooked lunch when I got home, and later went for a good long walk. Each day it seems to be just a little colder in the afternoon. There's sunshine but it's really humid, so it's hard t dry washing and the cold clings to you., something I remember well in my first month in Ibiza, as I hadn't packed enough warm clothes to take with me, expecting it to be milder.

The rest of the day was given over to working out where how to shoot videos of Morning Prayer using my phone, and trying out the texts for length. Five or six minutes are recommended. It was much harder than I imagined, and I had to set about pruning one text and then experiment with a video. It's less than straightforward. The pressure is on to get all six done in advance and post them on WhatsApp one a day, as I'm doing for the Daily Reflection I'm posting to WhatsApp this week.

The thought of recording live video on the day without making errors, and the uploading the finished product by eight in the morning is far too much pressure. As my phone with WhatsApp on is four years old, it's not got a video editing app, and not enough memory to make a video editing app work properly. Better to get them all done  in advance and avoid the stress. But learning how to achieve the desired result is taking up a lot of time.

I've had a request to take a funeral at St John's in two weeks time on a Friday, Mother Frances' day off. It'll be the first funeral in church I've done since restrictions were lifted. How this is going to work with restricted numbers and social distancing, I have yet to learn. Interesting times! 

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