Saturday 3 April 2021

Our Passover

Another blue sky sunny day, but rather chilly, good for brisk walking. It turned out to be quite a busy day with three bereavement calls to make for funerals next week. I had to finish preparing the texts for this week's Morning Prayer, and set up the recording environment in the attic, but I didn't get around to doing any recording. It's still rather a trial and error process getting it right and required more time than I had to spare, what with a trip to the shops, then Owain arriving late afternoon, and a walk to St Luke's for the Easter Vigil as the sun was setting. I filmed the Easter Light ceremony and uploaded to YouTube so it could be seen by others who didn't make it.

Without the benefit of a choir, the Vigil was more muted and low key than services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, but it was mostly the same group of people worshipping together as it had been through the week, and that made it special. 

When I was chatting with Fr Benedict outside the church after the service, a youngish passer-by with an Ulster accent stopped and made some critical remarks about Anglicanism, saying it had sold out to liberalism, and deviated from the faith by ordaining women etc etc. He exhorted us to return to the one true Catholic church in order to be sure of salvation. It was very odd. He said he didn't attend church or receive Communion, although he claimed to follow the true faith. "He belongs to the church of fruit-cake I think" said Benedict when the guy took his leave of us. 

Was he just a crazy? Or perhaps someone who was self catechized through internet browsing? it occurred to me later. I've had the occasional interrogation from people who notice the cross I wear. They have strong beliefs and opinions and are keen to convince. It's never a real dialogue however. They always know they are right. Well, me too. 

How good to come home and share a few glasses of wine and a natter with Owain before turning in for the night.

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