Monday 17 January 2022

Spare wheels arrive

We had a lovely view of Oxwich Bay in early sunshine from the table where where breakfast was served to us this morning. We checked out at ten thirty, then started the one and three quarter hour journey home, while wishing we could have stayed longer, given the cloudless blue sky, but there's always plenty to do when we get back.

In the post was a slim package from a company that sells dishwasher spares. The machine's plastic rollers on the upper sliding tray have progressively deteriorated with the impact of dishwasher detergent and then broken off. Replacing them was easier than we'd thought. Clare found a supplier and repaired the tray with great satisfaction, before we sat down to lunch!

Afterwards, we walked to the shops and then to Llandaff Fields as the sun was starting to set. The sky was clear but the air temperature dropped down to 2-3 degrees during the evening. I did some work on funerals I'm taking this week, then watched the new edition of NCIS series eighteen. I'm not quite sure I followed the plot altogether, but fashionably mumbled dialogue certainly didn't help.

Tonga has been hit hard by a volcanic eruption and a tsunami as a result of the colossal explosion. Normal communications channels have been wiped out, aerial surveillance aircraft and satellite data have provided some idea of the impact. Tonga is one of the few places in the world which has been free of covid due both to its remoteness and strict entry controls. Its government has been reluctant to ask for emergency aid from outside for fear of introducing the virus. Ten per cent of the population died due to 1918 'flu pandemic, and nobody wants a repeat. I guess air drops of supplies will be the answer, but first emergency communications infrastructure equipment will need to be landed and set up. That will be a technical challenge o f the first order.

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