Saturday 8 January 2022

Tap improvement

When I surfaced from sleep, Clare was awake and up cooking pancakes about half past six this morning. It turned out that she'd mis-read the clock. It didn't matter as she wanted to breakfast over earlier than usual for a Saturday since a plumber was arriving at nine thirty to install the new mixer tap for the kitchen sink. 

We made a good choice of tap and plumber as he fixed an error made when the original was installed that we've lived with for the past eleven years. Now at last we have the hot tap on the left and the cold on the right, as they are in every other sink in the house. Such a small change, but what an immediate difference it makes to the feel of working at the kitchen sink. While the plumber did the job, I recorded the audio for next Thursday upstairs, then added a slideshow and uploaded the video to YouTube before cooking lunch.

The rain stopped in the afternoon, so we took a muddy walk through Bute Park woods and had a coffee at the Secret Garden Café on the way back. The river Taff has risen up to cover the fish ladder again as it last did on New Year's Eve. It's rained most days since then, for hours at a time day and night. The Fields are getting waterlogged again, but I doubt if they will flood again back in February 2020, as the river bed and banks underwent a drastic surplus vegetation clearance operation to ensure unimpeded flow. The river runs much faster when in full spate these days. Let's hope it stays that way.

Nothing much of interest on telly this evening. On Four the thirty-sixth and last episode of 'Inspector Montalbano' available on iPlayer is being shown again in the Saturday Euro-crimmie slot. I think this is for the fourth time in two years. It's good, but I don't want to watch it again. There is a thirty-seventh episode, aired in Italian in 2021, but it hasn't yet been produced for a British audience. We're still waiting. All there is to do this evening is complete and print tomorrow's Epiphany sermon, and turn in.

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