Saturday 15 January 2022

Three Cliffs walk triumph

After a good long sleep and late cooked breakfast, we were ready for a long walk. It was mild and overcast with high cloud, and we headed out along the shore to see how far we could walk. For the first time in many years, perhaps ten, Clare and I walked all the way to Three Cliffs Bay and back. Kath and Anto did it last summer, but we couldn't manage the full distance, which is about 12km, longer with diversions, but today's total was over 16km - ten miles. I felt terribly tired and was walking at a much reduced pace on the home leg. The steep uphill sections of the walk were very taxing, but we survived!

On the way back, I made a diversion to look at the lakeside hide. The approach path is being refurbished, and much of the overgrown reed bed has been cut back, not just for visibility but to free space for aquatic birds to use. As I opened a hide window a magnificent heron made a long take-off run across the water - too fast to get out a camera, but a lovely sight anyway.

We drove to the Smuggler's Beach bar restaurant in Port Eynon for supper, where we had enjoyable meal of a high standard served by a staff team, all of whom looked as if they were under twenty five. Impressive.

Then we retired to the hotel lounge with a bottle of Pinot Noir to sit before a log fire, and spent the rest of the evening talking and relishing the moment.

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