Monday 5 September 2022

That voice again

Cloudy and dull for much of the day. After breakfast, a return to hoovering to start the week's chores. Then I worked on making the video slideshow for this week's Morning Prayer upload, and posted it to YouTube ready for Thursday. 

At lunchtime the Conservative party staged a big media event to announce the election of Liz Truss as the new Prime Minster. She has a huge and difficult agenda to tackle, including uniting the Tories in support of her leadership. Not all parliamentarians are happy with her election since she was not the MPs' choice of party leader. Who she chooses as  her cabinet, and what policies she can gather support for remain to be seen. So far, there's not much of substance to go on.

I walked along the Taff in the afternoon. Recent rain has washed most of the green algae downstream, and the flow of water over Blackweir is a little more than it has been for months in this dry season.

As I walked into the house on my return, the jingle and disembodied voice saying I'm here' re-opened yesterdsy's disconcerting mystery. I looked again at my phone Bluetooth settings and found that it was registering the presence of a Samsung TV presumably at number fifteen next door. I suppose the voice is a notification that a connection is possible if within range to retain a connection, which I couldn't as I moved around the house.

My fitness tracker which also uses Bluetooth then crashed, and needed rebooting, possible only by inserting into its charging cradle. Did the signal from the TV interfere with the tracker signal and cause it to crash? Maybe, but no idea really. It's all just a nuisance at the moment.

Thunder and lightning visited us in the evening, and rain, though not a lot. I took a lovely photo of a rainbow over the rooftop beyond our garden.

After supper, I saw half of an interesting programme on BBC Four about Maori Art, then this week's Blacklist episode, and then this week's second (actually fourth as there are two a week) episode of 'The Capture', which was more complex to follow with several different story threads running in it. A bit puzzling, but calm after the storm of last night's episode.

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