Friday 8 December 2023

Afternoon musical extravaganza

Another wet night and overcast start to the day, with the sun peeping through mid morning. There was a news report this morning with photos taken across Wales of yesterday's cloudy sky in the hour before the sun set, in pale purple and pinkish hues. I noticed this when I was out walking in the park, and supposed it was something to do with the layer of clouds right above not being very thick so that the bright orange and red light from the sun on the far horizon was diffusing through the low layer. Unusual I thought though not exceptional, and didn't bother to take a picture as the colour wasn't that intense, seen from Llandaff Fields. It seems however, that it was an uncommon phenomenon produced when atmospheric dust acquires a film of water from cold air saturated with humidity. This catches the light and diffuses it, giving the clouds an unusual tint.

I had another nose bleed in the night and slept until half past eight. I did some more work on my Sunday sermon after breakfast. I thought scrutinised my reasons for exchanging my laptop, and decided against it. The Dell I had my eyes on is larger and heavier as my Honor laptop, and not as easy to carry abroad with me. Google informed me that it was possible to buy a replacement batter, should the existing one becomes too weak for practical purposes. Before lunch I went and had a chat with Davey at Tourotech, to tell him I'm not ready to made an exchange yet. He told me that he'd be willing to acquire a new battery and install it for me in due course.

We ate a snack lunch early so we could walk to the Royal Welsh College for the afternoon performance of the College students annual musical theatre show 'Christmas on Broadway', a superb showcase of song and dance routines with seventeen students and a big band of over fifteen, including a string quartet. It was a most enjoyable two hours, superbly arranged and brimming with youthful energy. We went straight home afterwards, as it was getting dark, then watched 'Amser Jazz' live Christmas session on the RWCMD YouTube channel while we had supper.

I worked on another Morning Prayer and Reflection afterwards, then watched another couple of episodes of 'Off Grid' before turning in for the night.

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