Tuesday 29 January 2019

Hard decision times

Our artist friend Fran came to lunch yesterday. In recent months she has been working on the initial stages of PhD studies into the iconography of Sofia - Holy Wisdom. For her it's meant lots of reading and the occasional difficult seminar meeting, but no time for painting, so she's decided this path is not for her. She needs a way to enquire which is more praxis oriented, and steeped in dialogue with other practitioners engaged the same theme. The standard scholarly route seems too narrow and head centred to stimulate a creative response. Thankfully she has discovered this before expending a great deal of energy on it. I still look forward to the eventual outcome. She's a wise and thoughtful person.

This morning, Clare went to her study group at Russell's house. I had another dressing change visit to Riverside Clinic after lunch and then I drove to Dinas Powys to drink coffee and chat with Russell about the spiritual impact of modern technology on our lives today. It's something we're both interested in.

Clare went off to choir practice not long after I got back. I don't have enough spare energy to be able to acquit myself usefully in group singing. It's a disappointment, but I cannot tell from one day to another what impact the behaviour of my wounds will have on me, as it's so variable. After several quietish days with minimal pain and discomfort, today wasn't a good one.

More brexit votes in Parliament this evening. I'd be amazed if these result in a breakthrough, given the insistences already given by the EU that further changes to the negotiated withdrawal agreement are out of the question. No only that, but also deep seated division of opinion and political power plays being made by MPs make consensus seem unreachable. Meanwhile the day of withdrawal gets ever closer, and with it, heaven knows what kind of chaos.


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