Thursday 3 February 2022

Musical Mastery

Up early, posting my weekly prayer and reflection upload after 'Thought for the Day' on the radio. Then, after breakfast, down to St John's to celebrate the Eucharist, before returning to cook lunch for Clare, and work on recording and editing the audio for next week's upload.

I needed a siesta after lunch before going for a walk. That's what happens when I wake up early and can't get back to sleep. After an early supper, we took the bus into town and walked to the Royal Welsh College for a piano recital by Llyr Williams, another in his series performing Chopin's piano music. Another wonderful experience. His approach to playing is deeply reflective, like a Zen master at work. It's almost as if he sits at the keyboard and waits for the music to arrive from above and beyond. After a moment of stillness at the end of a piece his attention rests on the keyboard and then he raises his left arm into the air above his head, in a gesture that suggests he's offering the music back to heaven. When he stands up to acknowledge applause with a warm smile, he looks as if he's expressing enjoyment in hearing the music he has played, as much as the appreciation. A moment of shared delight perhaps? What a treat.

We caught a bus home just after ten, just too late for the news. Four of Boris Johnston's top aides have resigned in the past day, one of them fiercely critical of his refusal to apologise for slandering Keir Starmer in the House of Commons. What next in this insane political soap opera?

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