Friday 26 August 2022

Leaving it the way you want to find it

After breakfast this morning we picked up Patricia from her house, so she could deposit a large bag of charitably donated clothes in the boot of the car for transport to Sotogrande on Sunday. For this last time we drove to San Pedro for the CAMEO coffee morning. Among the people at table with us was a Spanish friend of Joes, a retired air steward. His English was good, but he was happy to chat with me in Spanish at the same time. I had probably my longest conversation in Spanish without lapsing into English. Amazing!

On our way back we made a shopping trip to Mercadona, and filled the car with fuel, so that it's ready for the incoming chaplain. We're into winding down mode now, re-stocking the fridge, tidying the office and cleaning the house, leaving the place the way you'd rather find it.

When we set out on our afternoon paseo, after a siesta, there was a service vehicle parked at an awkward angle next to the area of the rubbish and re-cycling bins. There's also a bus stop in the same area, at the point where Line 1 drops off passengers before turning at the next roundabout and picking up passengers for the eastbound journey. By the time we returned, the bus stop had disappeared, and the post holes were neatly filled with concrete! Sensible. Only one bus stop is needed, and that's still there across the road.

Tonight's BBC Prom is dedicated entirely to the music making of Aretha Franklyn, who made a huge contribution, not only to 20th century soul music, but to modern black history, feminism and human rights. You can say it, preach it, but somehow when you sing it, it penetrates deeper and sticks. Wasn't it Saint Augustine who said "A prayer sung is twice said."?

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