Monday 1 August 2022

Digital suspicion

A cool breeze from the north west at the start of the day, still cloudy, but the clouds don't cover the Sierra Bermeja as they have over the weekend. After breakfast, I made a shopping list, ready for tomorrow, to be ready for a Mercadona visit, after the coffee morning at Sabinillas. Then I worked again on producing the liturgy texts for use at the altar which match the different booklets in use in the two churches - a question of cross checking the fine details. Version control - always a nightmare. 

Next Sunday we revert to using a hymn book and liturgy leaflet at San Pedro, and this is different again from what we've been using on the projector screen. Fortunately, it's the standard text of Common Worship rite A which I know by heart, more or less. More things to check out if worship is to run smoothly on a Sunday when the habitual way of doing things changes.

I had a strange email from the TV licensing authority while I was working, confirming a change in email contact address, the change being that the address I normally use was printed in upper case not lower, so I was immediately suspicious. especially when I had trouble logging in to my TV License account. 

Then it occurred to me to ask Clare if she'd found a paper license renewal in my snail mail, and then entered the account in order to pay it. And that turned out to be the reason I got an email. Now Gmail will receive any email addressed to me in upper case as well as lower, and even if the dot in the address is missing it will send it through. The system isn't perfect. I have a namesake who managed to register a Gmail address with no dot between forename and surname in the UK, despite the fact that I'd registered mine in Switzerland fifteen years ago. Occasionally, I still get my namesake's emails, without the dot in the middle.

Eventually I was able to log into the TV license account and re-affirm that the lower case version of my address is the correct one, but the confirmation of change email was still issued in upper case format. I was feeling frustrated by this - who's to know that one's account isn't being abused when a change you didn't authorise yourself takes place? 

It took me a half hour to succeed in registering a formal complaint to the Licensing Authority describing this, and reporting that unwittingly it arouses suspicion that makes the License account insecure. I'm promised a reply within a week. Let's see what they come up with to kick the complaint into the long grass, as that's what I expect to happen.

I had the pleasure of cooking and eating a swordfish steak with plain boiled veggies for lunch today. It made a change and got me into practise for when Clare comes, as that's one of her favourite dishes, a quick fry with oil, lemon and a smidge of black pepper. Perfecto!

After lunch I made a start on next Sunday's sermon, and when it had cooled down a little, I walked to the Carrefour Market to get some bananas and tomatoes, as I'd run out, and didn't want to wait until tomorrow big grocery shop. At 28C with a breeze it was pleasantly hot late afternoon. I went out again as the sun was setting for a walk along the sender littoral. It's a nice calming evening ritual , which I look forward to performing with Clare in a couple of weeks time.

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