Tuesday 1 November 2022

All Saints virtually

Clare's study group met on our house this morning. It was raining so I didn't go out, but stayed upstairs out of the way, browsing to find out where I might join a celebration of the Eucharist on this All Saints' Day. There wasn't one in the Parish nor in St German's, nor at the Cathedral, much to my surprise and disappointment. 

The Church in Wales lectionary states that the feast can be celebrated  on the nearest Sunday or the first of November. It seems as if the former has been adopted in place of the latter, although originally the Sunday nearest was a sort of concessionary alternative for those who couldn't make it to church when All Saints fell, as it mostly does, on a weekday. Both and, rather than either or. 

I googled the St David's Metropolitan Catholic Cathedral to find out what they do nowadays. and discovered the Solemn Mass of All Saints was being Sung, streamed live when I found it. I joined at the rather excellent homily and watched, thankful for the chance to join in prayer via the internet with a community that hasn't yet abandoned Western Catholic tradition.

Clare's guests left and then she cooked lunch. I wanted to buy another powerline network wi-fi plug, last seen in the big Tesco on Western Avenue, and she wanted a few other items, so I trekked out there in full rain gear to buy them. Tesco no longer stocks the said wi-fi plug, but I found that Screwfix nearby stocks them. I walked over there and placed an order. I'll have to return tomorrow to collect it. This will ease the poor connectivity problem we have in  some parts of the house, as the new router is now located in the far corner of the house instead of in the middle, as BT Openreach engineers wouldn't run the fibre optic cable and further into the property, and the new router is under powered. A second wi-fi repeater should ensure a stronger signal all round.

On returning, I resumed watching 'Arctic Circle' on Walter Presents, as Clare was at meditation group. With a break for supper when she returned, I watched the rest of the episodes before turning in. I felt that the last couple of episodes winding up the story were a little disjointed, less credible dramatically than the previous ones, as if the script writer and actors were tiring of its considerable length. Never mind. Something to do on a very wet feast day. Sara and Ebba arrive from Gothenburg tomorrow night. It's more than ten years since their last visit. Looking forward to this very much


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