Tuesday 8 November 2022

New shoes, new brolly

I had a disturbed night's sleep due to aching injured thigh muscles. It didn't occur to me that I might take an analgesic, but after breakfast I took a 400mg ibuprofen and it calmed down. Clare went to her study group, and I started work on next week's reflection before cooking fresh sardines and veggies for lunch when she returned. Annoyingly the pair of cheap reading specs I bought yesterday have broken already.

I needed an hour's siesta in the chair afterwards, and then went into town to bank a cheque, and look for a new pair of shoes, always a daunting task to my mind. I ended up buying a pair in the Ecco shop, and was given a promotional Ecco pocket umbrella for free!

By the time I reached home it was approaching six o'clock and an early supper was waiting on the table for me as we had a Fountain Choir practice in St Catherine's at six thirty. Two hours hard work! Having attempted a repair on the specs I took them with me to the rehearsal unintentionally in place of a much better pair of prescription reading specs. Somehow they held together throughout the rehearsal.

As we left the church grounds afterwards, Mother Frances who now sings with us, was heading out on her bike. I offered to lock the gate for her, as I also had church keys with me. Unfortunately, they were my keys to St John's, and she'd disappeared into the dark by the time I realised this. I had to walk home and get the right keys, then return to lock the gate properly. What an idiot!

I walked further today than I did in the week before yesterday's injury, but my leg didn't hurt nearly as much as I feared it would. It still feels bruised, like a sprain, but is much less painful than expected. I'm thankful for small mercies.

I got back in time to watch the ten o'clock news, with worrying news of the US mid term elections threatening a shift in the balance of power away from the Democrats to the Republicans, and further threat of Trump running for a second term as President. God forbid, at this critical time in global politics with financial and ecological crisis plus the Ukraine-Russia conflict already promising to destabilise further international relations. Unhappy times.

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