Thursday 9 May 2024

Appointment frustrations

A beautiful sunny day, as warm here as the Costa del Sol. Up bright and early for the 45 minute walk to Llandaff North for my dentist's appointment. When I arrived, I was told that my appointment was yesterday, and I had to re-book a date for when I return in June. The receptionist was implacable and unsympathetic. 

When I checked with Clare she confirmed that she had requested an appointment for today's date on the 12th April. No email confirming the appointment was received, only an email reminder arriving a week ago. When I re-examined it, the date was 8th not 9th May. When it arrived a week ago, I didn't notice the date state wasn't the date Clare specifically requested. Not that it would have made any difference, as it was a non-reply email, with not enough time to re-book while I'm here, given that it takes a month anyway to get an appointment. There's nothing I can do about this. There's no guarantee that if I complain, this will land on the desk of the person who didn't listen and correctly process Clare's request.

I caught a bus back as far as Llandaff and walked the rest of the way. Then I continued to St John's for the Ascension Day Eucharist. Recently retired former colleague Fr Stephen Adams celebrated with seven of us. The licensed clergy are up in York with Bishop Mary for the annual clergy school. On the way back, I went to the Post Office to use the facility for mail depositing a cheque, rather than waste time going into town. A cheque for £1.80, the balance of a stocks and shares ISA I cashed in last month. It's odd, but this happened on a previous occasion, something to do with minor variations in value of the investment unit in the hours of the day between sale and closure of the market I think. Ironic really, when it costs more than the cheque is worth to process it.

On return I tried to phone the radiology department appointment booking line to re-schedule the post-op scan called for by the operating consultant liver surgeon, but got a recorded message advising callers to send an email instead. This I did, but am not comfortable with being unable to speak to someone, as this appointment is a second re-scheduling due to the inability of the system to book ahead beyond a month. I need to be sure the cancellation of the date I cannot make is actually dealt with as I'm away.  Without an acknowledgement of my email, I'm in limbo. I'll try again tomorrow.

As a result of having to do this we were late eating lunch. Afterwards I worked on preparing pew sheets for two Sunday hence while Clare was out shopping. When she returned, she realised that she'd left one of her shopping bags behind in Beanfreaks, so I went and retrieved it for her. 

The car wouldn't start yesterday, so I gave it an hour' trickle charge to get it going and let the engine idle for a while. We'll see tomorrow if that was enough to start it again. If not, a new battery is called for.

Then I settled down and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening binge watching the remaining episodes of 'Astrid - Murder in Paris' which I missed while away, ending up going to bed later than anticipated, but enjoyable entertainment in any case, and a boost for the spirits after two disappointing bureaucratic experiences in one day. 

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