Saturday 18 May 2024

At last, a MRI appointment booking

It was slightly warmer overnight and a few degrees warmer all round, comfortably so at 22C and I slept long and well. Late last night, a message from Clare to say that an appointment letter for my MRI scan for the 15th June at 8.00am had arrived! It's such a relief having had no success in raising a response from the bookings department when I was home. A calming contribution to a reason for a better night's sleep!

We had breakfast, Owain went for a swim in the garden pool and took the rubbish down the the bins, while I printed tomorrows pew sheets and sermon. Then we drove to Frigiliana for a walk around, photo opportunities and lunch at 'La Bodeguilla'. Where else? It's the third time with different guests during my stay this time. So consistently good. We shared a mixed salad, patatas a lo pobre and a racion of savoury stewed pork. Owain reckoned it must have taken many hours to cook to such perfection. 

Owain had arranged to meet his friend Jenny and her family at Burriana beach, so after our return, I drove him there. Easier than explaining how to get there with public transport! I called in Aldi's on the way back for wine and fruit, and then had a few hours of evening time to myself, to realign myself to celebrating and preaching tomorrow, after forgetting about work for a few days. And there was the Corpus Christi Prayer video to complete as well.

I called Clare for a chat, then cooked myself some veggies with chickpeas for supper. With time on my hands I looked ahead a couple of weeks at what I needed to prepare for Thursday Morning Prayer. This gave me an idea for a reflection, which I wrote, recorded and edited, before Owain returned late from his outing and supper with Jenny and family. We chatted until late before surrendering to sleep

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