Friday 31 May 2024

Thanking back and thinking ahead

Another warm night followed by a hot day with the temperature in the upper twenties and likely to get hotter in the coming week. After breakfast, I drove into town and spent an hour at the shop chatting with Gill and Mike, then returned for lunch. A man came in to ask for help in finding a street in the vicinity. He said that his wife had been hospitalised after a fall which broke a bone near the joint. I'm not sure if it was her femur or an arm joint, but she was now recovering from surgery, needing to have stitches removed and was looking for the address of a clinic where this could be done. 

While helping him identify the location he was trying to find, he talked about paying a £2.75 roaming charge on his phone per day. With time running out in their holiday let, they'd been obliged to find another place to stay until she was discharged and fit for travel. It doesn't take much to turn a holiday dream into a nightmare, as I know from experience of things going wrong on locum duty. No matter how good your insurance cover is, the expense turns out to be more than envisaged.

I cooked lentils with veg for lunch, and had a siesta afterwards, waiting to go out until it started to cool down. I started thinking about my end of stay report for the diocese and wrote a first draft. Then I walked as far as the Mesonera de Nerja and back. The Guardia Civil had set up a checkpoint at the roundabout by the Ladera del Mar bus stop and were stopping vehicles randomly it seems. I've no idea what that was all about. 

After supper and a chat with Clare, I checked this week's pew sheet and set about printing it off, only to discover after four sheets that there's no paper for printing, so I'll have to go shopping tomorrow morning. I've got next week's pew sheet ready, and the one for the week after. The next locum priest is coming in at the weekend, so I thought it would ease the pressure to get it ready for him to print. And so to bed.

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