Monday 8 July 2024

Criminal damage

Overcast today with low cloud, so disappointing. Housework after breakfast, with the vacuum cleaner not working properly, due to a surfeit of hair on the carpets, mostly dislodged from my head, to judge by the length of strands wrapped around the cleaner's roller brush. I had to free it from hair after each room. Just as well we had a hairdressing visit to Chris lined up for this afternoon. I cooked spicy chickpeas with veg for lunch, and used Quinoa for a change instead of rice. It turned out well.

When we arrived at Chris' salon in Rumney, the place was being boarded up. In the past couple of weeks the whole shop front  has been rammed by vehicles on three different occasions. It seems that a local criminal is trying to force him out of business, in a lame and stupid attempt to 'make him an off he can't refuse' to quit and sell up. After forty five years in business in this place, Chris is popular and well known by everyone in the neighbourhood. None of the locals have come forward with information about the different crimes. People are afraid of repercussions from the known bad actor in the vicinity. The police seem powerless or unwilling to take action, despite the evident seriousness of the situation. Chris says he wouldn't be surprised if the next attack was arson.

Even so, he welcomed us into the inner sanctum which had survived having a big Volvo car driven into it at speed last night. Its driver sustained a minor injury and left the scene on foot, leaving the car behind, plus DNA and fingerprints. But will the police do anything now they have such evidence? When he had told us all that had happened in recent weeks. This included a life threatening emergency with Martin, who failed to act in his own best interests when a stomach malfunction recurred, causing dehydration no matter how much he drank, and taking him close to multiple organ function. It's vital to keep a close eye on one's own physical condition the older one gets, or the consequences can be serious.

Chris did a marvellous job on both of us, sending us away cleansed, tidied and refreshed into the evening traffic, which was, thankfully, lighter than usual. After sitting around for much of the day I was craving for exercise, and went out for an hour's walk before supper. Afterwards, I watched another 'Turkish Detective' double episode, then went out for more fresh air and exercise before bed. This time under a brolly in the rain, but it was worth it. 

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