Thursday 25 July 2024

Print ready at last

Yet another grey sky day with occasional drizzle. I posted to WhatsApp this week's link to Morning Prayer and then got up for breakfast. Afterwards I visited Tesco's to buy our weekly foodbank contribution on my way to St John's to celebrate the Eucharist with eight others. I cooked hake for lunch and joined Clare in having sweet potatoes instead of spuds for a change, as I'd bought her a kilo bag of them, double the usual weekly purchase. 

She told me while we were clearing the table that the GP has referred her for a brain scan, as memory loss is starting to bother her. It's mostly periods of the past years she can't recall, places and people we're not in touch with any longer. It doesn't impede her in everyday activities. She's always been a prolific writer of shopping lists and food stock list, brilliant at household management in contrast to me. Left to myself I'll shop every day for what I remember I need currently, whereas she does a weekly list, and I fit in with this. We'll find out in due course what can be done about her memory, if anything. I wonder how much sight loss may have to do with this.

After doing the weekly grocery shopping at the Co-op, I walked in the park for an hour and returned in time for supper. I went through my draft novel one more time, correcting the chapter titles, and then made a pdf copy to use for printing. I'm going to take it to Dave in the Oner Signs print shop in Church Street. He's an old friend of Owain's from when Owain moved back to Cardiff, and I used the shop for printing church publicity leaflets in bulk.

Looking for something to watch after supper, I came across a Swedish six episode small town family drama about a child's disappearance fifteen years earlier, called 'End of Summer'. A slow moving story, much of which is portrayed in flashbacks, making it somewhat confusing and disjointed, but it retains interest so far, trying to work out what might have happened. 

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