Monday 15 July 2024

Word and deed - two sides one coin

Another overcast day turning to intermittent rain for much of the day. I wok up to an excellent 'Thought for the Day' by Prof Mona Siddiqui, speaking about her experience of political violence in Pakistan, being there for a family wedding when Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in Pakistan. Extreme political rhetoric, she reflected is inevitably linked, one way or another to violence. Words and deeds are inseparable. That's something both Christianity and Islam have received from the wisdom of Hebrew culture, yet all three religions still fail on times to be mindful of this. 

Many Trump supporters are reading the narrow failure of the assassination attempt against him as divine intervention, spurring on the messianic view of him as America's saviour. There are echoes of the Book of Revelation in this scenario, that will appeal to the apocalyptic mind set and religious fundamentalism which has pervaded many minds in the United States since the rise of social media and the fake news industry. Nothing new under the sun really.

After breakfast, routine housework chores to be done, and then continuing preparation for tomorrow's batch of funerals. Clare cooked me a delicious pork steak for lunch. Comfort food on a miserable day. After a siesta I went for a walk during a break in the rain. It only got worse and I was soaked by the time I got home. Consolation came in the form of a date and apple slice in puff pastry, baked by Clare.

With an hour to go before supper I took a look at next week's Morning prayer texts and saw the possibility of a biblical reflection on status hunger and insecurity, and had it down in writing before it was time to eat. Such creative moments still give me pleasure. After we'd eaten, a walk around Llandaff Fields to complete my steps for the day, just avoiding a shower of rain. Then I watched a couple of episodes of 'The Jetty' a new crimmie on iPlayer, set in the Lancashire part of the Lake District. I found the dialogue difficult to follow initially. Not sure if it was the accent or the acting, or the sound recording. Then early bed.

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