Tuesday 23 July 2024

Rebalancing the human equation

A mostly cloudy day with sunny intervals. I spent the morning writing the reflection on Peter's speech for next Thursday's Morning Prayer. Clare had an eye surgeon appointment at UHW, and decided to have an early snack lunch. I went to Tesco's to get coffee filters and frozen chicken breast pieces, half I cooked to eat today and tomorrow, the rest went in the freezer. Since the gall bladder operation I've felt the need to eat more meat protein than I have habitually through years of being mainly vegetarian. Not a large amount of meat any time, just a little feels satisfactory. Happily I have no digestive troubles, it's as if there's been a subtle change in body chemistry, reflected in what my taste buds indicate I prefer.

After lunch I recorded and edited the audio I prepared, then went out for a walk before supper. On the pond in Thompson's Park I spotted for the first time this year a moorhen on its nest, sitting on a clutch of eggs. Its mate was swimming around foraging for food. The nest is completely surrounded by water at the far end of the pond from the railings where children stand to feed the ducks. I'm not sure that it's actually floating. There may have been a few reeds or a submerged branch there for the home makers to start from. It's good to see. When Jasmine was here last July the moorhens established a nest in the round ornamental pond, but eggs laid there didn't survive. They built another nest in the reeds at the side of the big pond, but I don't recall seeing chicks swimming around later in the summer, so maybe the rats ate the eggs. Anyway I took a photo and sent it via Instagram for Jasmine to see. 

When I got back, I found that Clare had cooked a pair of big herrings for supper. They were delicious. How fortunate I am to enjoy the taste of everything I eat. I hear of people losing their sense of taste if not smell. I suspect in some cases this is a by product of medication they are obliged to take for an age related ailment. 

When I think back to the time before I went dairy free to prevent my gall bladder giving me grief I remember how my taste buds drove me to over use garlic and spices in order to make a dish seem tasty, so much so that others would complain about it. Going dairy free re-sensitised my palate, ridding my tongue of a residual bitter after taste associated with poorly digested dairy fats.

After we'd eaten, I made the video slide show to go with the audio and uploaded it to YouTube. Then I found a new series of the dramatic psychological thriller 'Suspect', and watched three shortish episodes before turning in for the night.

We learned this evening that Eluned Morgan is the only Senedd Member to be nominated for election as First Minister. The official announcement takes place tomorrow lunchtime. It's a measure of the regard in which she's held, and looked to for unifying leadership. In the USA, the presidential nomination of Kamala Harris is reviving the morale and hopes of Democratic Party supporters, and financial support for her campaign is flooding in. 

Like Sir Keir Starmer she's a public prosecution lawyer by profession, capable of giving Trump a hard time, and no settling for his nonsensical rhetoric. The rise of capable strong female leaders in the new century is a sign of a re-balancing in human relationships and political affairs which is long overdue, and will hopefully contribute to making the world a better place, capable of uniting to face the multiple threats to the future of our troubled endangered world.

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