Wednesday 3 July 2024


Overcast with light drizzle from dawn to early evening and 16C. After many weeks of political posturing, the campaigns are over, and tomorrow the General Election takes place. My postal vote was mailed last week. A large Labour majority is predicted by pollsters, but there's been much debate about how big it will be and what the composition of the opposition parties will be, so it will be worthwhile staying up for the results, or maybe going to bed early and waking up to check in the middle of the night, as I tend to wake up several times anyway. 

I went to the Eucharist at St Catherine's. We were a dozen for the service, and all stayed for coffee afterwards. Cake was provided in honour of Clive's 80th birthday. It's a pity I need to abstain from cake laden with dairy ingredients. While I was in church, Clare Rachel and Jasmine went for their spa session. Afterwards I fetched this week's veggie bag before taking advantage of having the house to myself to record and edit next week's Morning Prayer and Reflection.

When Clare returned, I was dispatched to collect this week's Beanfreaks grocery order, then all four of us played some rough and ready jazz standards together, with Jas on Alto sax and Rachel on her grandpa's 'cello. It was fun, but not easy, as my left hand is now very stiff. It's painful to make some of barre chords and my finger muscles tend to cramp.

After supper, another episode of 'Hierro' and then bed. Up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to take Rachel to her airport coach. So sad to part company after such a lovely reunion.

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