Saturday 1 October 2022

Dyffryn Scaffolded

After our usual Saturday pancake breakfast, we drove to Dyffryn House, our first visit since January this year. The entire house is covered with scaffolding at the moment, renovation work on the limestone facade of the building is under way, essential for long term conservation. Even so, the cafe was open and we had lunch there before walking around the grounds, noting the changes that have taken place over the past nine months. Some of the trees have changed colour, but most are still green and haven't lost many of their leaves yet.There was a light rain shower as we arrived, but it didn't last long, and there was no more rain for the rest of the afternoon. You can see the pictures I took here

After we returned, I went to the shops for some wine and cheese, as we're expecting both Rhiannon and Owain to visit in the next couple of days. Clare had a siesta, then baked a chocolate cake. In the evening I watched a travelogue about Tuscany and then two episodes of 'KaDeWe' on BBC Four, continuing to tell in detail the development of a rich girl - poor girl lesbian relationship against the backdrop of the Nazi rise to power. There was less soft porn obstructing the narrative flow this week. The portrayal of unstoppable monetary inflation and its impact during the Weimar republic is particularly striking, likewise the treatment of homosexuality as a form of mental illness. It's taken a century since for this view to be retained by only a minority of people. As for inflation, it's back with us. Controlling it is now a major issue issue, and political opinion deeply divided about the right way of doing this.

With no service to take tomorrow for the first time in a while, I've had no Sunday sermon to prepare. It seems rather strange, to be able to relax and look forward to a Sunday in the pew for a change. Tomorrow afternoon, an opera matinée!

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