Saturday 31 December 2022

Heno Nos Galon

Nearly nine hours sleep, and then a breakfast of waffles to celebrate the turning of the year! Anna posted a WhatsApp link to a powerful well argued op-ed article in the Guardian written by Archbishop Rowan that takes the pandemic maxim 'nobody is safe until everybody is safe' and applies it to economic thinking, as the scandal of endemic poverty and social division worsens with the cost of living crisis Here's a link to it  

Here's a critical method and perspective which applies to politics, economics and religion alike. No doubt the unthinking will allege that no religious leader should concern themselves with secular affairs, but such ideologues may be fearful of being unmasked for impoverished thinking. Having stated his case Rowan gets around to the briefest reflection on the Nativity stories in relation to his critical perspective, giving a glimpse of the secular dimension of meaning to the Gospel. Will it provoke debate? We'll see.

It rained again all day, which kept me indoors until it slackened off late afternoon, and then finally stopped after sunset. I donned my rain gear, just in case it started again, but didn't need it, and just got hot and sweaty instead. Despite the rain it's been mild, eleven to twelve degrees all day. As I returned from the almost deserted park at dusk, I observed dog walkers arriving in numbers, their pets wearing collars that have LED lights of different colours making them visible after dark. A new feature of twilight exercise in the park this past few years.

There wasn't much of interest on the telly by the time we settled down after supper, without breaking into movies already started or about to finish, although we did watch some of S4C's Eisteddfod 2022 Concert and 'Heno Nos Galon' review of the year show for a change. Some marvellous singing, and good humour, even if my Welsh is limited. We decided not to stay up and see the New Year in, and made en effort to turn in a little early, and made it just as the festive fireworks started, always a bit early.

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