Sunday 7 November 2021

Fruitful Sunday

The traffic was quite light when I drove to St German's to celebrate the Eucharist this morning, though not on the return journey, and again I got back for lunch at half past one. Clare said that St Catherine's organist Colin was late arriving because of traffic, but he would have been on the move half an hour before me and travelling in the different direction. I daresay there is an observable pattern of congested roads at specific times on the weekend, depending on sports events and people's shopping habits, but nothing is predictable with accuracy. It's just necessary to leave plenty of time for possible delays.

We had fish pie made with sweet potato for lunch, followed by strained puréed crab apple pulp. The juice from five pounds of fruit made five half pound jars of very firm jelly, plus three and a half jars of purée, a lot of work following half an hour's picking but worthwhile for the special taste. I'm looking forward to a gammon steak with puréed crab apples!

St German's church council has agreed to a Carol service on the Sunday before Christmas, and asked for a series of Advent evening services using the Great 'O' antiphons. After lunch I found a digital copy of the key Anglican occasional services text of the book 'From Advent to Candlemass', and devised a form of Evening Prayer using material from it, for approval. It's great they're keen to do something. and not just run minimally during the period of ministerial vacancy.

I went for a walk up to the Cathedral mid afternoon, too late to be there for the start of Evensong, but it was lovely as a walked past to hear the choir within singing the Gloria of the Psalm and as I was leaving, the Magnificat. The colours produced by the setting sun as I walked by the side of the Taff were glorious.

As soon as I got back, I recorded and edited the audio for this week's Morning Prayer on Armistice Day and added this to the selection of photos I made straight after lunch and edited the slide timings, uploading to YouTube after supper. Slowly, steadily I'm getting used to this routine, so production has fewer glitches or slow-downs, and the process of creation takes three to four hours a week nowadays.

In the evening, we sat and watched the latest BBC crimmie serial 'Showtrial' together. I didn't watch the first episode last week, as I had other things to do, but having had a satisfactory and productive day so far, I made myself sit and watch something/anything, as last Sunday I worked for too long at the computer and ended up with a nose bleed.

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