Tuesday 23 November 2021

Park in the dark

After breakfast, I worked all morning on finalising the autumn video slideshow I've put together with musical accompaniment by Rachel, and then this week's Thursday Morning Prayer video slideshow, which took me longer than usual as the reflection it contained was a minute and a half longer than usual, and needed more slides. All was completed and uploaded by half past twelve in time to cook a veggie pasta lunch for Clare's arrival home from her study group.

I walked a lot yesterday and was tireder than usual, sleeping for an hour and a half after lunch, which meant walking out in Bute Park as the sun set. I retraced our steps from last night and found exactly where the forgotten footpath through the woods was in relation to the cycle stand by Blackweir Bridge. You bear left and turn right ten metres after the cycle stand. How could I have forgotten?

I walked on the cycle path to the Royal Welsh College, then back across Bute Park on the footpath that leads to the Millennium Footbridge and then home through Pontcanna Fields. A council worker was stationed by the path advising users that only the College gate and the bridge gate woild stsy open after dark. The woodland areas adjacent to the path are fenced off as they contain extensive LED light sculptures cycling through changing colour, part of this year's Christmas offer of a Winter Wonderland style walk in the dark through the park. Quite something really, though most of it is 'pay to view'.

There was nothing much on telly, so I spent the evening after supper tidying up my digital estate and uploading to YouTube the little video of the light sculptures in the park, made with my trusty Sony HX90

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