Saturday 6 November 2021

Reflections on Abba

Yesterday afternoon's booster jab didn't begin to take effect if that's the right word, until I went to bed. I was up and down five times peeing in the night, as my body sought to eliminate the by products of the vaccine as it made anti-bodies. After our Saturday lie-in and pancake breakfast, I realised that I was quite dehydrated and had to drink a liter and a half of water to make up for what I'd lost overnight. Thirty hours on I still have what I call a 'toxic head', not as bad as a hangover, but a bit like when you try to cure jet-lag by overdosing on caffeine. Fresh air and exercise dispel the worst of it. Pity it rained all morning.

I drove Clare to Penarth with Owain's saxophone, where there's a musical instrument repair shop, as it needs servicing, having not been played for decades. Jasmine is going to play it with Clare accompanying her when she comes to us for New Year. She's in her school Jazz orchestra and loving it. Clare came away with a musical self tutorial book to help her adventure into learning to play Jazz piano.

After lunch, the rain stopped and we went out and walked together in Llandaff Fields for half an hour. She decided to return home while I continued walking down to the river and around Pontcanna Fields, hoping to clear my head. Just after sunset, we drove over to Rumney for Chris to give both of us haircuts. Rain had resumed and driving on the busy A48 was a nightmare which made me feel very nervous, as my eyes don't adjust well enough for wet conditions in the dark, with bright headlights, deep shadows and the road markings made almost invisible by the wet surface. That's the last time I go driving in the rain after dark. Things will improve after a cataract operation but that could be a year away from now.

In the evening there was an interview with Bjorn and Benny the male members of Abba, reflecting on the musical journey the group has taken over the past forty years. The two of them were key creators in the making of the stage musical 'Mamma Mia' and the two movies that followed on from it. It was interesting, but I felt that I needed to take a walk in the fresh night and see if I could clear my head before turning in. Fortunately the rain had stopped, and I felt better for dragging myself away from the telly.

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