Wednesday 9 August 2023

Conversation ear to ear

It was a cold and damp night, and I had to get up and find a blanket to supplement my duvet in the small hours of the morning, and lost even more sleep as a result. I started looking at the Gospel for next Sunday wondering about a fresh approach to the subject of the miraculous, prompted by the story of Jesus walking on water. Then I stewed veggies with half a chorizo for lunch, as I fancied something spicy. As it had stopped raining, I went for a walk while Clare cooked a tofu stir fry for herself. 

In the afternoon, Clare had an on-line piano lesson lined up. As she had difficulties before getting Skype to work on her tablet, we had a technical rehearsal between her tablet and my laptop. It worked fine both ways, except that I forgot the laptop camera is embedded in the middle of the function key row and not on top of my screen. It's a good app, but it's notable how little use I've made of Skype since the rise of Zoom and WhatsApp in the past three years. Then there's Microsoft Teams and Google Meet on offer as well, though these aren't on my radar at all now I rarely work in a team context. Added to that I make relatively little use of video calling anyway, unless there's something to be seen. Conversation ear to ear on-line is easier and more relaxed than face to face. I prefer that.

I went out for another walk, and by the time I returned Clare had gone out to meditation group. Ruth sent next week's Morning Prayer text, so I prepared mine, then recorded and edited this and a reflection already written, finishing the job just before Clare returned. We had a late supper, then I read more of 'La Sombra del Viento until bed time.

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