Monday 26 February 2024

Account upgrade, maybe

A lovely bright sunny winter day, the kind that's been in short supply this year. Housework after breakfast, and then the realisation that my usual Monday mail-out of next week's readings weren't needed, as there's a United Parish Eucharist at St Catherine's next Sunday, so the organisation will be taken care of by Sue. What will happen about routine service preparation and Sway when Fr Andrew arrives is not yet known. 

Anyway, it was good to have time to devote to tidying up my study. First, hoovering up a film of plaster dust deposited by the work on the roof, and then filing away months of bank statements and then clearing the pile of redundant charity mail shots, I didn't get around disposing of since last autumn. There's a lot more that needs getting rid of. Historic files from previous jobs, books I'm never going to read again. A lifetime of stuff nobody else is going to be interested in.

Clare cooked a veggie lentil dish with rice for lunch while I was pottering about upstairs. After we'd eaten, I got around to upgrading our Santander current account on-line. A new offer is advantageous for paying abroad with a debit card, and for withdrawing Euros from a Santander AGM. The earned interest rate is higher, but I doubt if it saves much really. It also means not getting any more paper bank statements, which is a pity as I've been holding out against losing them for years, as it's easier to identify transactions when you you need to on paper, than it is on-line, when  search and identify isn't as good as paper and pencil.

Then, a bracingly chilly walk in the park, some more work on a recruitment poster for the next Sway editor, should this be needed, and a batch of bread dough started. After supper, I wrote and recorded another talk for Basma, then made a video slideshow for next week's Morning Prayer and uploaded it to YouTube. I quite forgot about the bread dough until I'd finished work. It had risen very well and was easy to knock it back and put into tins to bake, just before it was time to turn in for the night.

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