Thursday 8 February 2024

Life in a building site - almost there

Another overcast damp morning. I posted today's Morning Prayer YouTube video link to WhatsApp, then dozed until nearly nine o'clock. A long time in bed, but awake for eighty minutes during the night, if my Fitbit sleep monitoring app is to be trusted. I feel the sleep does me good if I get up feeling clear headed. It's not always the case regrettably. Apparently the intermittent effects of anaesthetic can show up a month or so after an operation, as the body slowly purges itself naturally of a foreign chemical.

By the time I left for the Eucharist at St John's drizzle was turning into rain, and persisted until the evening. Fr Colin celebrated with six of us in the congregation. Tomorrow is St Teilo's Day, one of our Cathedral patron saints, but we kept his feast a day early. As I was nearing home, saw the lorry containing our loaded builders' skip turning skilfully in order to leave the street. Later I found a roofing nail made of brightly shining copper in the gutter, so I swept the area where the skip had stood, to make sure no other nails had fallen into the gutter. A couple of times in the past fourteen years, I've had a car tyre has been punctured by a nail picked up in the street after work was done in one of the neighbouring houses. Next to go will be the scaffolding.

I worked on next week's Morning Prayer and Reflection before lunch, then afterwards booked a mid-term locum duty round trip flight home for a couple of days with Vueling in early May. I was fortunate to get places as there are only two flights a week that early in the season. The timing is good and not too early, considering I must get from Nerja to Malaga airport, and vice versa. Clare has yet to decide when she will join me.

Rain persisted throughout my ninety minute walk in the park, and down to the river whose water level was up to the top of the fish ladder and still rising by the looks  of it. I still got soaked, despite rain trousers and carrying my brolly. One of the spokes is about to break, so sadly it won't last much longer. It's been fairly long lasting as brollies go. Buffeting by the wind this past few months has taken its toll however. Pretty good for a free brolly, which I got when buying a new pair of Ecco shoes a couple of years ago.

After supper, I did the Mailchimp email distribution of the link to this week's Sway. Later then usual, as my mind was preoccupied with sorting out my extra flights after lunch. I don't suppose too many will notice. Thursday seems a bit early to me, but this was the routine created by Mthr Frances, whose day off was Friday. I don't feel free to make any changes, as a 'locum' editor, I stick to what's given. Others will have to decide the future of this newsletter, and agree a production routine. I'm determined it won't be me. It's time to employ someone to do the Ministry Area Office work and manage communications between six lots of stakeholders.

With this chore done and nothing else to do this evening I watched the finale of 'Trigger Point' series two. I spotted what was going to happen at the end about half way through, which rather reduced the dramatic tension of the climax in which the baddies got their comeuppance. And then another episode of 'Bones' to finish the day. I'm really looking forward to a change of routine and scenery at the other end of Lent.

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