Monday 5 August 2024

From Geneva to Llandaff

An overcast day with occasional appearances from the sun. Then housework, work on Morning Prayer for next Thursday, and cooking lunch. After a siesta, I walked up to Llandaff Cathedral and sat in the nave, waiting for the Holy Trinity Geneva choir to arrive for rehearsal remembering my days at worship there, and connecting their special visit to the one place of pilgrimage I have returned to throughout my life.

Eventually, Keith Dale, formerly organist and choirmaster at HTC same down from the organ loft and we greeted each other. He's special guest organist this week, enjoying his summer vacation from teaching in a Woodard school in his native Yorkshire. Then Sam Carmalt arrived, now one of the eldest members of the choir, and I spotted Elizabeth Brown settling into her choir stall but didn't get a chance to greet her. 

I didn't stay for the service but stayed to hear the choir rehearse the Evensong Psalm, then walked home to collect Clare and drive her to Llandough Hospital for a CT scan. We arrived half an hour early, but were seen immediately and on our way back by the time her appointment was due. We now wait to see what her GP has to say about the result.

I had a belated message from Kath about relieving me of some of my euros still not exchanged for sterling as I've not got around to doing it. It was a matter of slipping them into an envelope and making sure to get them in the post early tomorrow. After supper, I went out for another walk to Thompson's Park, then watched another episode of McDonald and Hobbs before going to bed.

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