Tuesday 20 August 2024

New trainers

It was cloudy and had been raining when I got up this morning, but a cold breeze blew the cloud away mid morning leaving a clear blue sky with sunshine for the rest of the day. It was 18C, but felt colder when the wind blew. Clare went out to her study group after breakfast, and I spent the rest of the morning recording and editing next week's Morning Prayer making a video slide show and uploading the finished product to YouTube. I got the lot done in two and a half hours, which pleased me. Then I cooked mackerel with veg in time for Clare's return.

After eating, I went to Thompson's Park to check on the Moorhens and then took the 61 bus into town to look for a new pair of trainers for my daily walks when the weather isn't warm enough for sandals. In the past week the right heel on the 'vegan sandals' I bought in early April has started to break up and is giving me unpleasant ankle pains. Apart from this their cushioned soles are comfortable, so much so that I have worn them daily for the past six months, and in that time covered eight hundred and fifty miles if my sums are fairly correct, and wearing them 12-15 hours a day so the deterioration is largely due to wear and tear. I can't complain, except about my own laziness in continuing to wear the same sandals day in day out even if it has what I have done habitually for decades in the summer.

After much vacillation, I bought a pair of walking trainers in Sketchers, rather than sandals. I need another pair, as the weather is still warmish, but that will have to wait until another day. I came home on the bus, had a piece of cake and a coffee, then broke in my new trainers with an hour's walk in the park, getting back in time for supper. My existing walking trainers are still in fairly good condition. I've not worn them nearly so much, as they were a bit tight for me. I now need a size nine rather than eight or eight and a half, as my feet have spread. Fortunately the old ones are washable, so once they've been through the washing machine and dried out, I take them for recycling to the used garments and shoes repository in the Canton Co-op car park.

After supper I read my new novel for an hour, then watched some more of 'Renaissance' until it was time to turn in for the night. I noticed the moon that was full yesterday had just appeared above the roof line in a clear sky. I took photos with four of my five cameras on automatic 'night shot' settings just to see which gave the best results. I didn't have time to set any of them up manually, so I'll find out if it was worth bothering tomorrow.

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