Monday 12 August 2024

Huge yet limited choice on offer

When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining and the sky apparently blue. Out of the blue however, came a five minute torrent of rain. The noise was so loud that at first I thought was the sound of a bath full of water emptying down our's or a neighbour's drainpipe. It seemed to be very localised. Clouds returned and covered the sky a few hours later. 

After breakfast, the usual housework chores. A spam text message arrived on my phone, and as I looked at it, the screen became unstable again, and I couldn't remedy it. I found that there was a minute crack in the top of the case, next to the camera housing, though the camera still works. I still have my ten year old Z10 Blackberry as an emergency standby, but it no longer receives security updates, so using it would be risky. There's no alternative but to buy a new one. Thankfully, I can afford it, as I've not spent much recently.

I cooked lunch and went into town after to hunt for a new phone. I went to John Lewis' where I know Motorola phones are on offer, but they didn't have one of desirable specification in my price range. One by one I visited half a dozen phone shops with the same result, that is, if they carried the brand at all. Apple and Samsung models dominate. There's a range of low cost Moto models but almost no mid range ones. In the end I gave up and returned home. On my way home, I called at the GP surgery to book an appointment for my annual hypertension review.

After supper, half an hour's walk in the park. A strong breeze had blown the cloud away and the evening was bright and sunny. Then I settled down to watch another complex episode of McDonald and Dobbs to end an inconclusive day. 

For the moment I can still use my broken phone. The screen display has changed during the day. It's still unstable, but less difficult read now than it was earlier. Maybe a new screen would suffice? Perhaps I should check that out first. I'll sleep on it. If it's un-repairable, I can go to the big Tesco's to check what's available, but I suspect the same will be true there as the stores in town. I may end up going to one of the Curry's superstores. Their website offers a broader range of Moto models including one I'm interested in. 

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