Monday 19 August 2024


Another dull overcast day. Clare had a GP appointment after breakfast so I did all of the routine Monday housework, and cooked a prawn pasta dish for lunch. Good news from the doctor. Clare's CT brain scan showed no anomalies, nothing to cause concern. As ever tests will continue to see if there's something else contributing to memory loss.

After we'd eaten, I prepared next week's Morning Prayer and reflection texts for the commemoration of the beheading of John the Baptist. Coincidentally, it's the same set of readings as two years ago,  in which the murder of James the Apostle by a different Herod was recounted. I looked up the reflection I wrote at that time, revised and added to it. There are three different murderous Herods in the New Testament. How confusing! I thought it would be a good opportunity to explain this. A few odd facts here for a pub quiz.

Then I went to Tesco's for some smoked fish and a chorizo. Rain was forecast, but only a few drops well spaced fell while I was out. I stopped at while at home to have a drink, and when I started walking again it started to drizzle and did so on and off until I returned in time for The Archers and supper.

Looking for something to watch afterwards, I found an unusual French drama series on Channel 4 Walter Presents called 'Renaissances'. It's about what led up to a heart transplant for the donor and recipient, the aftermath and people involved directly and indirectly. It has all the elements of a detective mystery story in the setting of a domestic drama against the scenic backdrop of Biarritz, ticking a lot of cinematic boxes in one go. Interesting and original I think.

It was good to hear today of the Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer's visit to Wales and his meeting with First Minister Eluned Morgan, celebrating a new beginning in the relationship between Wales and Westminster, characterised during the years of Tory Government by an adversarial attitude resembling what prevailed for the Dominions under British colonialism. There are serious economic and social problems in need of solutions that are best tackled in a partnership of respect and trust. Another renaissance to my mind.

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