Thursday 9 March 2023

Listening exercise

A day of clouds and sunshine with the temperature rising to 23C mid afternoon. As soon as I woke up this morning I posted the day's YouTube link to What'sApp, and then after breakfast  recorded and edited next week's office, having received the texts from Ruth yesterday evening. At noon I joined Caroline's Zoom bible study. There were six of us altogether, and we chatted for over an hour, as the session wasn't limited to forty minutes, since the Chaplaincy has a paid subscription that extends what the app offers. 

Afterwards, I cooked lunch and then started work on another Wednesday morning homily to go with the bible study series. The more I can prepare in advance the more free time I'll have when Clare joins me in just over two weeks time. I had a message from Emma at HQ to say she's now had an offer to cover the full two months of duty in Lausanne, which naturally takes precedence. She's working on cover for several more summer locum assignments, so it's a matter of waiting to see what she comes up with when she has been informed of exactly what's required. 

I walked down to Los Boliches with no particular plan in mind. I wandered along the Paseo Maritime and explored back streets that were new to me, then returned to the house as the sun was setting. After supper and the Archers, Clare and I talked for a while, then I watched telly in Spanish half heartedly until bed-time. Nothing compelling all my attention, but demanding lots of concentration. The more I listen the easier it becomes to comprehend everything that's said, rather than just getting a general sense of the story. Dubbed dialogue is generally easier to follow as it's clearer than live conversation with its variations in accent. All good exposure one way or another.

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