Sunday 30 June 2024

All reunited after a decade

Another overcast morning. I got up early and went to the Eucharist at St John's to be home early enough to enjoy the end of a family Sunday breakfast. We were about three dozen adults and nine children, a healthy improvement in numbers since I was last there taking a service. 

Jasmine was expected to arrive mid-morning, but had to take a later train, after midday. How wonderful to have the two grandchildren and three children with us, for long enough to celebrate Owain's birthday with a special Rachel baked chocolate cake with fresh cherries. Sadly Kath and Rhiannon needed to travel back to Kenilworth late afternoon as both have to work tomorrow, but we had a few hours of family time with children and grandchildren all together for the first time since our joint 70th birthday ten years go. Here's a photo of us all together in Clare's garden.

We walked around Pontcanna Fields after lunch. After supper, Owain, Jasmine and I talked photography around the kitchen table. Jas showed us pictures of her end of year school photography project. Impressive artistic pictures of orchids, way beyond my capability, that's for sure. Then another walk around Llandaff Fields as the sun set, but this time without Rachel who went out to see an old friend. She was back again by the time we returned from our sunset walk. Gone are the days when she'd stay our until the small hours with friends she hadn't met for years. We all need our sleep as we get older.

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