Monday 3 June 2024

More tech' housekeeping

 By the time I woke up this morning, the sun was peeping over the horizon high up the valley opposite, an hour after actual sunrise over the ocean. The sun creeps out of the sea and ascends at an angle, hidden by ridge opposite. Over the past ten weeks, I've watched it appear higher up incrementally. I don't suppose I have ever observed the sun's movement with the same attention I have done with the moon. It really is wonderful, and worth making the effort if you're not too tired. I've never been an early riser however, so this change in habit is reaping rewards of its own.

I had a load of washing to run through the machine after breakfast. In the bright morning sun, all was bone dry ready to wear in a couple of hours. It took less time than that to copy the chaplaincy hard drive data to the USB flash drive I bought last night, though it wasn't possible just to copy all the files in one go. There were scores of unclassified files of similar nature which needed to be put into folders, to make the whole business of viewing them less daunting. 

I have archive file structures in my personal system dating from the nineties and still retrievable. Only one file of tens of thousands could not be copied as it was corrupted. No idea why. It doesn't matter. Errors do occur in saving files from time to time. The worry is when there are multiple errors, hinting of a likely hard drive failure. While I was in the office I remembered to print off a copy of my boarding pass for next Monday, although I have it stored digitally already. Better safe than sorry. The next task will be to set up the PC's OneDrive account and sync all the files to the Cloud, facilitating an eventual hardware upgrade. For reasons I can't fathom however, I can't figure out so far how to do this.

Then I drafted my final sermon for next Sunday, and didn't stop in time to make it worthwhile going into the church shop today. It was quite hot at 25C and I didn't much fancy going out, so kept on working in the relative coolness of the house. For lunch, I reproduced a favourite tapa of mine - small broad beans with onion, mushrooms and cured diced ham. Great flavour paired with rice. When Clare was here some green apples were purchased resembling cooking apples. I thought they were in fact. I decided it was time to try one. Not sour enough for British cooking apples, although they might do well in an apple tart. Uncooked, they had a pleasant subtle flavour and firm texture despite a month in the fruit bowl. Two more to eat and enjoy before I leave!

Yesterday evening's photos I uploaded to Google photos in a separate album. Some of them are quite good, giving a sense of the occasion, but it was difficult with so many among the onlookers doing the same as me with their phones. So many images of the backs of people's heads! My photos are here. The edited ones, that is.

Before supper, I walked down to Playa Paraiso and back to get some exercise. The early evening sun was still very bright and hot. I regretted not having worn a jacket or a long sleeved shirt but didn't burn fortunately. I persuaded my camera to behave and focus at 30 times zoom on a solitary ship miles out at sea. It's not sharp, and at full magnification the letters on the side of the ship are too poorly defined to be legible, but its profile showed it to be what I think is an empty container ship.

Some more writing and editing to do, but tired enough to need and early bed.

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