Friday 28 June 2024

Family get together

Another cool and cloudy start to the day, but the chill wind blew much of the cloud away in the afternoon to give us pleasant evening sunshine. I went to St John's at eleven to join the congregation gather for the funeral of Gill Winton, a lifelong church member. There were about a hundred and fifty present, including three parish clergy. Revd Siân, newly ordained deacon joined Fr Andrew on the altar together with Fr Siôn who officiated bilingually. I didn't stay around afterwards to chat, but returned home in time for lunch.

Afterwards Rachel and I went for a walk in the park, and ended up going to the big Tesco's on Western Avenue, to buy a printer cartridge for Clare, and a few other things on the shopping list. When we reached the aisle where the printer cartridges are to be found, I had doubts that I'd remembered the cartridge serial number correctly, then realised that I'd walked out without my phone. Rachel didn't have her phone on her, as her American SIM is too costly to use in the UK so she relies just on wi-fi at home. She walked into the phone shop and asked the assistant if she could borrow a phone to call Clare and check the cartridge serial number, which the assistant did, lending her own mobile phone. How kind!

When we returned Rachel got to work baking a birthday cake for Owain, ready for his arrival this evening while Clare cooked a huge pan of pasta sauce. The kitchen was a hive of industry so I made myself scarce. Owain arrived just after seven, Kath and Rhiannon just before eight. With a meal ready to welcome them we spent the rest of the evening eating, drinking wine, laughing and telling each other stories. A joyous reunion. All we need now is Jasmine, who joins us on Sunday.

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