Wednesday 26 June 2024

Stiff fingers

A hotter start to the day with the temperature going up to 27C, though the started to cloud over during the afternoon, as the temperature dropped a little. After breakfast I went to St Catherine's to celebrate the Eucharist with six others, and after chatting over coffee afterwards, I collected this week's veg bag from Chapter on my way home. By the time I got back, Rachel had surfaced and gone shopping with Clare. We had a light lunch when they returned, and then what seems like the inevitability of an hour's siesta.

Then I walked in Thompson's Park for an hour. There's a muscovy duck visiting the pond at the moment, and it's not much appreciated by the mallard residents, being that much bigger. I saw a moorhen too, having only heard one on my last visit.

I helped Rachel cook curried veg and chick peas for supper, and we shared cooking tips while we chatted. After we'd eaten I went out again for a short walk to complete my daily quota, then she got out her grandpa's 'cello (which lives with us) and played it, then persuaded Clare and I to join her in making music, Clare with flute and piano, me with guitar. I seldom play these days as my hands are often stiff and rheumaticky, but made the effort, and was rewarded with a hand massage with arnica cream afterwards. Then tired but happy we all went off in search of a night's sleep.

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