Monday 24 June 2024

My vote cast

Other parts of the country are experiencing a heat wave, but Cardiff is still under cloud and mild for the last week in June. After breakfast, housework chores, then making a video slide show for next Thursday's  Morning Prayer, and uploading it to YouTube ready for posting the link on the day. I cooked chicken with chorizo for lunch, while Clare had mackerel fillets. She cooked the pac choi which came in last week's veg bag with an onion to try and impart some flavour to it. I think it might do better raw with a salad dressing. It has texture but no discernible flavour to speak of.

I slept for an hour again after lunch, then filled in my General Election post vote ballot paper and posted it when went out for a walk.  This time my circuit took me past the big Tesco's on Western Avenue, so I went in to use the toilet and browse for any small useful bargain, I could identify. I was fortunate to notice a tiny 64GB flash drive which has both a USB-C and USB-B interface, a real asset as my Chromebook only has USB-C ports, and likewise my phone. The will make for quick and convenient data transfer without needing to carry a supplementary adaptor, as I have for several years past.

This evening Rachel is taking an overnight flight to London, arriving Heathrow mid morning, so she should be here for a late lunch. Her old friend Dominic is meeting her, driving her to Cardiff and staying for lunch. I think it's about a quarter of a century since we last met him!

After supper, I started thinking about preparing another Morning Prayer for a week Thursday as this week promises to be busy with all the family gathering for Owain's birthday. In an hour and a half I'd written a recorded a reflection to go with texts for the day, glad to be one step ahead. Then I decided to reset my Chromebook to see if it would run a bit faster by removing a couple of redundant extra user accounts. It's ages since I last needed to do this, and it took a bit longer to restore the existing set up, as I have three other accounts in use of my own, and each one has to be established through the usual security regimen. Tiresome and time consuming when I'm ready to get to bed.

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